Sunday, February 10, 2013

Calming the Chaos workshop Fort Lauderdale, FL March 2, 2013

I'm delighted to announce that I'll be doing a workshop for families in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area!

Calming the Chaos: Creating Connection in Early Parenting will be held at Your Big Picture Cafe in Davie, FL on 
Saturday, March 2, 2013 from 1-4pm
Space is extremely limited for this venue, so please sign up asap to reserve your seat. Sign up here.


We'll be focusing on the first three years of parenting (although those with older children can still benefit from the information shared), including common mistakes and misconceptions and what you NEED to know to raise an emotionally healthy family! 

We'll be taking a closer look at "high need" children and how to support both yourself and your child. I have some great tools to share with you that you can take home and start using the day of the workshop that can provide relief and understanding of yourself and your child. 

One of the coolest things I use in my practice is Intuitive Kinesiology. I'll be talking about how I use Intuitive Kinesiology with my families to quickly find the central issues that are going on so they can be released. I'll share how I use this to more fully understand what is going on with a child, especially with those who are non-verbal or can't express what is going on. Fascinating!

We'll also be exploring the importance of connection with your partner and what you can do amidst all the changes in early parenting to stay connected. And last, but not least, we'll be discussing the critical importance of self-care and how to actually do it.

This will be an interactive workshop. It will also be recorded if you are unable to attend in person or would like to get the presentation to share with your partner.

Sign up here to join us! Want to have your partner join you? Use this link for your partner after you register. With a primary registration, your partner is just $15!

Interested in the audio? You can find that here. This will be an mp3 download available after the event.

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